Is That A Weed
I am lucky enough to live less than an hour's drive from Cotswold Lavender, situated at Snowshill in the northern cotswolds. It is a beautiful part of the world, being nearly 1000ft above sea level it also offers some great views towards Evesham way. Snowshill village is also well worth a visit.
Typically the crop is harvested around July, but this depends upon the weather, particularly during the critical spring months. The colours are best just before harvesting so it will pay to do your homework and enquire as to when this is. From my own experience the window of oportunity only lasts around 2 weeks, after which everything is cut back to just stubble.
Whilst good shots are available from the various roadsides (such as this one), you will need permission if you want to access the fields. I was drawn to this particular view because of the slight hill which allowed me to fill the whole image with converging rows of lavender. The so called "weed" in the image was perfactly placed to contrast against the sea of purple. I have heard it said that a weed is simply something growing in the wrong place, so i guess that answers my question. This couldn't possibly be a weed!
The neat rows of wonderful colour are one of the great signatures of summer for me. Next summer I will return i'm sure. if you're there too, don't be a stranger, say hello.